Adam Stanford has pioneered the use of UAS for survey to both prospect for and record archaeological evidence.
Providing solutions with various image capture platforms and multiple sensors since 2006.
Archaeology and Heritage Consultancy.
ASGS collaborates with a team of specialist Archaeologists to provide bespoke solutions using the best and most appropriate methods:
GIS Analysis,
Terrestrial Laser Scanning,
Geophysical Surveys,
Reports and assessments for planning,
Archaeological Field Work,
Building Recording. etc.

Adam developed a method of Multispectral surveying for the Stones of Stonehenge Project which he has been involved with since 2010. There is a need to be able to identify features in open landscapes that are not visible as microtopography and rarely as cropmarks. Multispectral survey has the potential in the right conditions to show the invisible. This has been proven at a variety of sites, such as possible henge complex in Wales, where RGB, MS and Thermal results have been tested and compared with Geophysics and excavation. The study of Stonehenge itself has also shown that MS can be a very useful tool in identifying known and new features, in collaboration with English Heritage.